Practice, not precious

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Way back when the pandemic began, I joined a writing group. Every week by email the host would send a prompt to an assortment of writers, of whom I knew just one. A few days later, we’d share our work like offerings, then follow up with private notes of encouragement: I like this line or good job.

The responses were simple, easy and kind. I needed this nudge to write, and more than I’d like to admit, I needed the accolade. It felt good.

It felt needy to need but, if I’m out loud and honest, it mostly felt good.

* * *

Most of my friends have a writing group they lean on for encouragement and support. But I’ve always been a loner, not a joiner. I often lead and this was the first group I had no obligation to run or guide. Less pressure, more play.

Thanks to this somewhat anonymous and pressure-less routine, last year I wrote more than I have in years. The more I wrote the more I had to write. It was a faucet I didn’t want to turn off.

But as the summer wore on the world turned more and more grim, and we shared less and less. We were worn down with life. Weary, we took the break we all needed.

* * *

But like a run you skip just one day, and then another, I wrote less and less. I got rusty. I resented my blank pages, my dull mind, this idling blog. I grew mad at myself: what’s wrong with you? can’t you do anything? you’re so lazy!

This is normal. Writers go fallow. We need rest and restoration. But each time I hit a dry spell, my creative life feels terminal: I will never write again, I say, falling to the couch in a dramatic heap.

Of course, I always rally, I write. Life takes on a brighter hue.

* * *

Today, our writing group resumed. And I’m happy to have a structure that urges me to the page again.

But more importantly, I’m remembering — for the zillionth time, it seems — that writing is practice, not precious. My best work, and my most creative and happy self, is found through trying and messing and feeling through, without expectation or plan.

I gotta stay in the play, not in the product.

* * *

Writer-artist Austin Kleon, who modernized the erasure form with his black out poetry, blogs daily, not because he has so much to say but because “blogging is about discovering what I have to say.”

“I had no idea,” he writes, “how badly my writing muscles had atrophied. After a couple of weeks, I could feel the sentences coming easier. . . . Something small every day leads to something big.”

* * *

I’ve had seasons of daily pages, and seasons of not writing at all.

But I am reminded now of my favorite season, when I write with fever and share with abandon, when everything feels alive and abundant. I want to go back — or, rather, forward — with a loose grip.

Write more, write better, write now.

I want to bumble and flub, to kick off the rust and oil the gears. I want to write the odd phrase, the awkward break, share the almost-there line, the not-quite poem. Not to preen and gleam but to build muscle, to let go of the precious line and sacred space so that I can return again to the power and flow of making.

Years ago my first and favorite teacher, Judyth Hill, told me: Writing needs air!

Yes, yes! It needs to crackle and spit, to fire and flash. Let us not hold our poems too close, our words too dear, but instead share wildly and with great cheer.

Are you with me? Let’s go!

(Trying To) Pay Attention

Shifted, an erasure poem by Drew Myron

Shifted, an erasure poem by Drew Myron

Dear Reader,
Not a letter, or poem, not even email. I have not written.

Not because there is nothing to say but because there is too much. 

I’m still here. And you?

Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything
, says Gordon Hempton

I'm trying to pay attention. But the world is too much and my mind too heavy. This constant darting, this fatigue. You feel it too? 

I want to know know know but when I know it's not enough. I crave more details, more nuance, more information. Feed me, more more more. It's addictive, corrosive, wearing. 

Full sentences are too much. The mind files only nuggets, lines, bits. I sift for words and meaning, for sense. I stand at watch, seeing chaos and rubble, seeing nothing, nothing, everything. 

Teach us to care and not to care.
Teach us to sit still. 

Ash Wednesday by T.S. Eliot

Phrases we never want to hear again:

Now, more than ever. . .

In this challenging time . . .


This is not sadness. Not depression. Aren’t we all just so full?

Not sated. Not glowing with plentitude. The other full: flooded.

The moment of change is the only poem, wrote Adrienne Rich.

The poem is in us, in action and rest, rising, forming, in this very moment, in our every now. What is your poem?

How to get through?

Keep reading, writing, walking, thinking, reaching.

Keep awake.

Keep trying.

Keep going.

You, yes you, keep on.

On Seeing

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Her hair is rumpled, shirt stained, and still she is grateful when I take her picture.  

You have a beautiful smile, I say, and her eyes flutter and cheeks flush.

She looks down and back again, into my camera. The moment turns shy and empowered in equal measure, and I feel like I'm seeing a new sort of truth.

It’s an easy thing, a tossed moment, a simple photo. She is painting, something that happens routinely here in the nursing home, just another craft activity. It's nothing much, really, a blink of time. 


Sometimes I take a picture and later, when editing, I see a beauty I had missed: bright eyes, slight smile, a shy pride. But then I wonder, do I see the beauty in this image because I see the beauty of a moment? Will you see beauty in these ravaged faces and messy hair, in the marks and spots and displays of decay?


If you look at a window, you see fly-specks, dust, the crack where Junior's Frisbie hit it. If you look through a window, you see the world beyond. 

 — Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking


Scrolling through social media I often see photos of "old" people, a friend's parent, say, or some inspirational vision of age, and I pass by without emotion or second glance.

But at work, in each photo I snap, I see details that a camera can never catch: the flash of a smile, an unexpected laugh that is full and fast but too quick for capture.

Or the light of the room, how when he moved near the window, a cloud opened, a bird sang.

Or the quick smile followed by slow conversation, how the clock seems to stop because I must slow up, slow down, let my breath catch my mind. 

There is always much to do: meetings, deadlines, phone calls, photos. I keep moving, moving, moving. Even when I want to stay longer, talk more, I am conflicted with the desire to both absorb and wipe away. To lean in and to leave. 


When Doris fusses with her hair, I am fretting on my own appearance.

When Herman cannot be calmed, I feel a buzz of bees too.

When Pearl tells me about life on the farm — Momma had hundreds of birds and they sang every morning— I am her, dazzled by every small and simple thing.  


What looks bare is usually a different kind of abundance. 

— Sarah Cook, This Place is Beautiful, This Place is Gross


Time slows to stillness here, when I pay attention, when I slow myself. And so this exchange, of easy banter and click, click, click, is nothing much. And yet, when trust is established, time feels precious.

Each click says I see you. 

As I leave, her eyes are soft and pleading as she says thank you.

* Names and identifiers have been changed to protect privacy.

** Photo from

Good Books of 2020

All year I moaned about my lack of attention for reading. I’m too distracted, I said, with everything (insert hand sweep here to indicate: pandemic, racial injustice, election chaos, economic crisis, and crushing fatigue).

But as I look back now, I realize I enjoyed a lot of really good books, and feel encouraged to know when all else fails books can (still) change my heart, mind & mood.

Here are the Good Books I read in 2020:


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Take Me Apart by Sara Sligar
Art, writing, mystery — all in one engaging story. I could not put this book down; read it in one riveted day.


My Life as A Rat by Joyce Carol Oates
Whew, what a disturbing, haunting, page-turner! Written in second person "you," Joyce Carol Oates is a master of claustrophic hunger that revolts and mesmerizes all at once.

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The Nix by Nathan Hill
A funny and touching debut novel about a son, the mother who left him as a child, and how his search to uncover the secrets of her life leads him to reclaim his own. This story is chocked with great lines, like this: “Seeing ourselves clearly is the project of a lifetime.” 


The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
With an unusual story set up — twin sisters are raised in a small town founded by and for light-skinned black people — this engaging novel stirs ideas on race, identity and home. 


My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
Dark, disturbing, compelling. Extremely well-written.


The View from Penthouse B by Elinor Lipman
Easy but not insipid. The perfect read for full and distracted minds (like mine).



On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
This novel is both long poem and full sigh. Beautiful and unusual. Vivid and sensory, rich and haunted. The writing is, well, gorgeous, line after beautiful line.


Hotel Almighty by Sarah J Sloat
These visual poems are stunning one-of-a-kind mixed-media collage, with each served on a miniature canvas. So visually evocative my only wish is that the book were a larger format so I could absorb its beauty even more.


Gravity & Spectacle by Shawnte Orion and Jia Oak Baker
Inventive, innovative, inspired! This unusual combo of photos and poems is a powerful art project that is silly, serious, fun, sad, and strong.


If the House by Molly Spencer
Layered, textured, rich and deep. A stunning debut. After years of quiet, thoughtful, diligent work, Molly Spencer is finally seeing well-deserved acclaim. Read also: Hinge, just published. 



The Art of Noticing For Writers by Rob Walker
This Kindle ‘short’ is a fun and valuable nugget of inspiration for all kinds of writers. Read also: The Art of Noticing:131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday. 


Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb
An unexpected gem! Great writing, pacing, and character development in a self-help ‘story’ penned by an insightful doctor-writer. 



 Save Me the Plums: My Gourmet Memoir by Ruth Reichl 
Another great Ruth Reichl memoir! She's penned several and this is now among my top picks, right up there with her first (and still my favorite), Tender at the Bone.


Dear Readers & Writers,
In the new year, may your heart & mind make room for reading.
The world is full of good writing, read on!

With love,


Fast Five with Penelope Scambly Schott

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"I believe that every person has a true landscape of the soul and that some of us are lucky enough to find that place.”

Penelope Scambly Schott

Welcome to Fast Five, in which I ask my favorite writers five questions as a way to open the door to know more.

Penelope Scambly Schott is the author of over a dozen poetry books, a novel, and a “slightly fictional canine memoir.” She has earned an Oregon Book Award and numerous other literary achievements. She splits her time between two Oregon towns: the city of Portland to the west, and the small farm town of Dufur to the east.

Let’s start with your most pressing and poetic theme: Dufur, Oregon.

I have a love affair with the small (population: 623) central Oregon town of Dufur. I’ve had my house here for ten years and each year I become more attached to the community. (I’ve bought a plot in the local cemetery so that even though I wasn’t born here I can be dead here.) I’ve published a chapbook called Lovesong for Dufur and, just this spring, On Dufur Hill, a full-length collection of poems about the cycle of a year here.

[ Read excerpts from On Dufur Hill here.]

I believe that every person has a true landscape of the soul — be it beach, mountains, whatever — and that some of us are lucky enough to find that place. I grew up in New York City as a free range child (remember those?) but have never again felt so at home as I do here. When local kids see me walking with my dog Sophia they yell out, “Hi, Penelope,” and when the dog and I step into the post office past the “No Dogs Allowed” sign, Sophia stands up at the counter and Dave or Mike will give her a biscuit.

Why write?

Because I can’t help it? Because when I was a tiny child just learning to speak I stood up in my crib and spoke sentences? Because it’s too lonesome to have words in my mind that I can’t share? I could say that I write, as in putting the words on paper, because, unlike Homer and other bards, my memory isn’t good enough to compose and recite without a crib sheet. And that’s not just a joke; I am obsessed with the sounds of language. Most of my poems originate with a line or two coming into my head as I am out walking, usually climbing Dufur Hill which I do every morning. Something about the rhythm of walking triggers spoken language. I repeat the line or lines all the way down the hill and then when I get home I write them down and continue with the rest of the poem. Maybe writing is my way of coping with noticing and feeling.

Tell us about your professional life. What do you enjoy about teaching?

I got my Ph.D. as a union card. I was a single mother with two kids and I had to do something to feed them. It was only when I started teaching that I discovered I actually liked it. I like: figuring something out clearly enough to explain it, learning from my students, making an emotional connection with each student, hoping I am useful. What I especially like about leading poetry workshops is how quickly we become a community.

 On my resume I’ve been a college professor and a workshop leader, but for many years I also had jobs on the side. I worked as an artist’s model which taught me a lot about art and also that a body is just a thing. The most meaningful non-teaching job I’ve had was the five years I worked as a home health aide. I had felt I needed to learn more about old age and dying, and I sure did. Although I was treated with more respect as Professor Schott, I may have been more useful as “the girl from the agency.”

Which non-literary piece of culture — film, tv show, painting, song — has influenced you?

I grew up without a television and never learned to watch. I see very few movies. The songs that have been important to me are not popular music but old Scottish ballads. Perhaps the biggest influence on me was the art I saw as a child when my mother took me regularly to the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. I remember being completely freaked out by Picasso’s painting Guernica showing the consequences of war. I can still hear that horse screaming. I was also greatly affected by a Giacometti sculpture called The Palace at 4 a.m. which was full of inexplicable mystery. I think I could trace much of my writing to those two pieces of art.

Is there a book you wish you had written?

When I was a girl that book was Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden for its discovery of the unknown. Now it might be any of the poets who write very short and unforgettable gems — maybe some of the Chinese poets of the Tang dynasty or the wonderful one-line pieces by the Greek poet Yannis Ritsos as translated by my friend Paul Merchant in Monochords.

Bonus Question: What are your favorite words?

Almost anything with a B or a P or a K. I love making those sounds. 

Poke, kitchen, spit, slump, noncombustible. 

Of course there are also wonderful words like interrogatory and flat. 

Hey, I guess I love ‘em all.

Stretched & Choosing

An art-poem by Tracy Weil and Drew Myron — made with love for a friend who loves lichen & life.

An art-poem by Tracy Weil and Drew Myron — made with love for a friend who loves lichen & life.

A friend is sick.

A mother ill.

A funeral today, another tomorrow.

Business lags.

Is this cold or flu or worse?

Where’s my ballot?

I have a litany of worries (don’t we all)? When I tell a friend, she is warm and wise in her response:

The heart stretches and stretches and stretches.

And I think of Maria Popova, the force behind Brain Pickings. Each year she distills one thing she’s learned about living while reading and writing her way through life. This year, she says, the challenge has been “colossal.”

“Depression,” she says, “has lowered its leaden cloudscape over me again and again since I was fifteen, but no other year has lidded life more ominously, as the staggering collective grief we are living through together densified the black fog of private loss.

In such seasons of life, one is pressed against the limits of one’s being, pressed eventually against the understanding — no, more than understanding and less than understanding: the blind elemental fact — that no matter the outer atmosphere of circumstance, one must lift the inner cloudscape by one’s own efforts, or perish under it.”

What did she learn this year? To choose joy — not as sappy platitude, but as intellectual and emotional survival:

“Choose joy. Choose it like a child chooses the shoe to put on the right foot, the crayon to paint a sky. Choose it at first consciously, effortfully, pressing against the weight of a world heavy with reasons for sorrow, restless with need for action. Feel the sorrow, take the action, but keep pressing the weight of joy against it all, until it becomes mindless, automated, like gravity pulling the stream down its course; until it becomes an inner law of nature. . . . “

Read the whole beautiful, essential passage here.

And so we keep weighing and stretching.

Please, dear reader, keep on choosing.

So few grains of happiness
measured against all the dark
and still the scales balance.

— Jane Hirshfield
from The Weighing

How does it feel to be able to breathe?

Hello Reader.
I’m weary. Are you too? I want to burrow in, head down, until this ugly season passes. But though I’m tired, I’m even more tired of feeling powerless. I’m sharing this video with you because words have power, music moves, and art transforms.

Please keep on.

With love,

Commander in Chief

Were you ever taught when you were young
If you mess with things selfishly, they're bound to come undone?
I'm not the only one
That's been affected and resented every story you've spun
And I'm a lucky one
'Cause there are people worse off that have suffered enough
Haven't they suffered enough?
But you can't get enough of
Shuttin' down systеms for personal gain
Fightin' fires with flyers and prayin' for rain
Do you gеt off on pain?
We're not pawns in your game

Commander in Chief, honestly
If I did the things you do
I couldn't sleep, seriously
Do you even know the truth?
We're in a state of crisis, people are dyin'
While you line your pockets deep
Commander in Chief, how does it feel to still
Be able to breathe?

We were taught when we were young
If we fight for what's right, there won't be justice for just some
Won't give up, stand our ground
We'll be in the streets while you're bunkering down
Loud and proud, best believe
We'll still take a knee while you're

Commander in Chief, honestly
If I did the things you do
I couldn't sleep, seriously
Do you even know the truth?
We're in a state of crisis, people are dyin'
While you line your pockets deep
Commander in Chief, how does it feel to still
Be able to breathe, breathe?
Be able to breathe

Won't give up, stand our ground
We'll be in the streets while you're bunkering down
Won't give up, stand our ground
We'll be in the streets while you're

Commander in Chief, honestly
If I did the things you do
I couldn't sleep, seriously
Do you even know the truth?
We're in a state of crisis, people are dyin'
While you line your pockets deep
Commander in Chief, how does it feel to still
Be able to breathe?
Able to breathe

— Demi Lovato
Commander in Chief

Fortune Found (by mistake)

Sometimes you stumble upon a book and the discovery is delight.

Rotten Perfect Mouth is a wonderful surprise.

I was watching I’m Thinking of Ending Things (Netflix) — a fantastic mindbender of a movie, based on a book, that deserves more attention — that includes a stellar performance of the poem, Bonedog.

When I googled the poem, everyone says Bonedog appears in the book Rotten Perfect Mouth. It doesn’t. But that’s okay because I now have a new-to-me book of poems by a poet I’m digging, and I’ll continue my search for the elusive poem that kicked off a hunt that led to the discovery.

(In the meantime, Eva, are you out there? Send me a note, will you?).

Almost everything about this book appeals: the title, cover photo, poems, the indie edge, the mystery of the author’s name — H.D.? What’s she hiding or knowing or keeping close? Is this challenge or game, rubik or ruse? Oh poets, how we love the artful dodge.

Every page bursts with rough beauty:

Nothing is as long or as hard as one hopes.

— from One Night On The River

All winter I
have been barrelling along
the highway, slim with
mediocrity. Winter changes
its name and nothing else

— from Modern Science

I am thinking one thing and saying another.
I am spinning a prayer out of manic luck.

— from The Minotaur

And then this:

Racing It

The sky never touches the ground but races it, forever and ever.
I am driving us home from the church,
away from the last of summer, through the
funeral dusk. There is no bend in the road.
She is riding shotgun, exhausted, curling away
from awful truths. Blowing smoke from a crack
in the window, eyes closed.

We are surrounded by wheat and corn,
just like people always say.
I can feel the farness in my muscles.
I can feel the love in my teeth, humming.

When we get home, we can have a drink,
uncoil, not talk about it. This is what we
do best.

I want to stop the car, walk out into the fields,
and lie down on the ground, flat on my back.
I want to lie flat out, not feeling it,
until forever lets me on for the ride.

— Eva H.D.

Your Turn: What’s your latest great find?


Something of Myself 403 — an erasure poem by Drew Myron

Something of Myself 403 — an erasure poem by Drew Myron

Make something.

Make up, make do, make coffee, make love, make art, make the bed — make something.

Lonely seeps.

Some days, even the bright ones, the soccer net sags, the sun leans into the grass with a sigh, even the trashcan stands askew.

I am loping along an abandoned track when the cool morning air turns my watering eyes to full sob for a brief moment for no real reason. Isn’t there so much loneliness to these days of getting through?

We’re all doing the best we can. Of course, of course, of course.
Make do, re-do, getting through. We’re all doing doing doing.
It’s the endlessness that wears.

Poetry is medicine.

“I’ve been thinking about how poetry can sustain us,” says doctor-poet Rafael Campo, who treated patients during the height of the AIDS crisis and is now treating Covid-19.

“We need poetry now as we did then to make sense of our experience of suffering.”

Write through.

What to do? Write through.

“It’s like often nothing happens when you stay still. I always feel like I write something out of a transition of some sort,” says writer Eileen Myles.

“You know, like, coming into my apartment thinking: Another day in which I haven’t done any writing. And then that thought fills me with anxiety and I walk in and I write something. . . . I mean, a poem is just a list. It’s a kind of sharing. It’s just an exploration of the filing system of your brain as it moves through space and time.”

From now on . . .

Today is the day, I say.

I often make these sort of statements. I think I’m making conversation but my husband calls them “proclamations,” then asks, “Are you telling me or telling yourself?”

I’m almost always telling myself.

Like this blog, equal parts confession and cheer. So here’s my proclamation to the world (and mostly myself):

Let’s make something!

But let’s not go alone. Please join me. What are you making?

Share your words, art, poems & proclamations with me:

Fast Five with Robert Jackman

"The perspective we take has the potential to expand us into love, or contract us into fear.”

Robert Jackman

Welcome to Fast Five, in which I ask my favorite writers five questions as a way to open the door to know more.

Robert Jackman is a psychotherapist who combines principles of mindfulness, hypnotherapy and spirituality as paths to healing. He has a private practice in Chicago, Illinois, restores his spirit in the coastal village of Yachats, Oregon, and is the author of Healing Your Lost Inner Child.

If ever we’ve needed a voice of calm reassurance and authentic peace of mind, the time is now. Please welcome Robert ‘Jake’ Jackman:

After working for years as a psychotherapist, what prompted you to now write
Healing Your Lost Inner Child?

I wanted to write the book for years but a part of me was apprehensive and my latent inner child wounds of not feeling good enough kept creeping in to stop the process. Then in December of 2019 I heard an interior voice say very emphatically, it's time to write the book now! Once I started to write, the flood gates opened and the manuscript developed very quickly. Gone were any of the apprehensions and now I couldn't wait to see my book in print. The material kept coming and after I sent my manuscript to my editor I still had more content that wanted to come through and that's how the Companion Workbook was born.

I really appreciate your "homework" approach as a way to utilize practical tools for inner work. What key advice would you offer those working on personal growth?

For anyone considering looking at themselves introspectively remember that it takes a great deal of courage to be vulnerable. The most important advice I give people going on a journey of self-exploration and therapy is to know that they will get as much out of the process as they put into the process. The secret is to begin to listen and not be afraid of the voice coming from the shadow world of the subconscious. So much is stored within and many people push this away thinking that their own truth will swallow them whole. The other piece of advice is to trust in yourself and the wisdom you carry. Therapists are just mirrors reflecting back a person's wisdom. Too often we doubt our greatness and make ourselves smaller. You are stronger than you think.

What books — or people — have influenced your professional life, and how? 

Carl Jung and his lifetime of work specifically his wisdom regarding the subconscious and archetypes.

Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life. She was such a bright soul and her kind and gentle presence lives on in her words. Through her work I learned how to transform trauma wounding experiences from diminishment and sorrow to loving messages of healing and encouragement.

Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls. His books have helped to expand my understanding of energy and life. Reading his books greatly influenced my understanding of metaphysics and helps me to rise above the fray and not be mired in the fear-based illusions that always seem to be presented to us. His work and my study of metaphysics in general have helped me gain a larger perspective in which to see the world. 

In these difficult days, what keeps you going? 

Knowing and trusting at a deep level that this too shall pass. To deeply understand that the perspective we take, that which we are in control of, has the potential to expand us into love, or contract us into fear. When I'm inspired and have a quiet moment, I will make an intention of beaming love to everyone on the planet who may be at that time in some state of fear. My intentional meditation and trust in the unfolding events centers and calms me. And, having survived a near-death experience where I experienced waves of undulating infinite love and the resonance of a serenely deep calm with no knowledge of time, instantly calms me when I connect to this part of my memory.

I'm a word collector, and keep a running list of favorite words. What are your favorite words? 

 erudite, magical, ephemeral, and magnanimous

Bonus Question:  
What are some common things that most people do that create a great deal of stress in their lives?

Number One: Making up Stories
This is a fear based projection most people use when they haven't gotten the answer they want or they have not heard back from someone for example. We all do this and too often we make up the wrong story and then we start to believe our made up story as a fact. This pattern tends to create a lot of stress within people and is avoidable.

Number Two: Giving Power Away
When we give power away to others we lose agency within ourselves. Making others greater than, and ourselves less than, perpetuates the false illusion that we are not worthy which then creates a cycle of victimhood. This perpetuates the idea that for some reason we are not deserving of love.

Number Three: Having Unrealistic Expectations
When we project an expectation into our future we are setting ourselves up for a potential disappointment. It's almost impossible to not have expecatations and the trick is to transform the expectation into a hope or intention. We still may not get what we want, but the sting won't be as bad.

To know that we all screw up, but remember whatever decision you made that you now regret, at that moment in time it was the best decision to make based on everything you knew about yourself and life at the time. Be gentle with yourself, earth school is hard enough.

Paint + Poem = POW!

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I got CRUSHED and I’m thrilled about it!

Artist Tracy Weil and I teamed up for a painting + poetry collaboration now splashed across a tall office building in Denver, Colorado.

CRUSH is a week-long celebration of graffiti and street art in Denver, Colorado. Every September, nearly 100 artists take over a 30-block area in the RiNo Art District, creating larger-than-life murals for all to enjoy.

Founded in 2010, the event offers a platform for artists to create vibrant and lively works for a free-to-the-public outdoor gallery. This year organizers received over 700 artist applications.

"The essence of Crush is to create a censor-free platform for artists, and for them to get paid for their work while doing it," says artist Tracy Weil, co-founder and head of the RiNo Art District.

There is great power in partnership. In collaboration, perspective shifts. A painting deepens, a poem grows. Meanings merge and boundaries enlarge to create a work broader than the initial singular start.

Uncertainty is the New Certainty is located at 2700 Walnut Street in Denver, and will be available to view for the next year.

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See More Tracy & Drew Collaborations:

Where Art Is Made - RiNo Art District - Video Poem

Forecast - painting & poetry exhibition and book

The Making of Dust - art & poetry exhibition

Why Bother?

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Is this a turning point, which is to say a breaking?

Nearly everyone I know is slogging through a bog of exhaustion, mind and body weighted with worry, wondering: how to live in pandemic, in propaganda, in deceit and hate, in flames and flood, in hurricane and heat?

I wish this were metaphor.

There's a lot of why bother because to be bothered is to be worn away. Aren't we all just so tired? 

What’s your strategy, what keeps you going? I keep doing the things I know best: eat, sleep, read, write, soak. Bath as balm. Book as solace. Food as drug. Writing as necessity.

We are the secretaries of the heart, writes Susanne Dubroff.

And so we write — letters, lists, poems and dreams. Writing against clamor, out of sludge, into silence. I keep writing, to you, to the gone and going, to no one and every one. Hear me, hear me, here in the corner huddled, here in the door waving, here in the car moving forward in the only way I can.

Words are paths to emotional sovereignty, writes David Harris.

I keep reading. Looking for wisdom and path, for distraction and delight, for you in the galley, in the gutter, in the page’s last dash. There is a tap-tap-tapping in my head: keep on, keep on.

Eyes blur, pen drags, night arrives early. And yet we write on and on. Like breath, we cling and clutch and reach for more. Words hang on necks, creak through hearts, slip through hands. These words, these words, blanket and balm, heat and life, rest and renewal.

These words — all we have & everything we need.

Why Bother?

Because right now there is someone

Out there with

a wound in the exact shape

  of your words.

Sean Thomas Dougherty from The Second O of Sorrow

Fast Five with Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer


"The poem is not the point; the poem is simply the byproduct of showing up to be wrestled by the world and by language.”

Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Welcome to Fast Five, in which I ask my favorite writers five questions as a way to open the door to know more.

Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer is the author of 12 poetry collections and her work has appeared in O Magazine, on A Prairie Home Companion, on fences, in back alleys, and on river rocks she leaves around the banks of the San Miguel River near her home in southwest Colorado.

She served as San Miguel County’s first poet laureate from 2007 to 2011 and as Western Slope Poet Laureate from 2015 to 2017, and teaches and performs poetry for addiction recovery programs, hospice, mindfulness retreats and more.

An advocate of the power of practice, Rosemerry has written a poem every day since 2006.

For nearly 15 years, you've written a poem a day, and shared it on your blog. Can you tell us about your process?

I write at night, usually, after everyone has gone off to their own quiet space in our house. And I sit with a blank page and I wait to see what happens. If it stays blank a long time, I start to sift for ideas. I might look around the room and let my eyes land on an object. Or think about an interaction from the day. Or I might read poems and find something in them that thrills me and then give myself a prompt based on a line or an idea. Or I might read the news. Or look at an image. Or think of someone I want to write a letter . . . so many ways to begin a poem! 

I don't feel pressure to produce, but I do feel the ever present invitation to practice — which feels fundamentally different to me as a motivation. The poem, ironically, is not the point — the poem is simply the byproduct of showing up to be wrestled by the world and by language. The point is the showing up and, as Rilke said, the “being defeated decisively by constantly greater beings.” That’s why I write every day. It changes everything about who I am and how I meet the world.   

Who has influenced your writing life? 

So many people! Today the first who comes to mind is Art Goodtimes, a paleo-hippie, fungi obsessed, potato-growing wild man poet. When I first moved to Telluride in 1994, he said, “Give me some poems.” And I shared a few and he said something like, “These are nice. I wonder what would happen if you relaxed?”

Wonderful advice. I was writing such tightly wound, cryptic poems. And it was a revelation, too, to watch him perform—he used his whole body and his whole vocal range of volume and intensity. I remember staring at a picture of him with his arm raised while reading a poem and I thought, “How does he do that?” And so I began to experiment . . .

Perhaps most importantly, Art introduced me to a poetry community—sitting in a circle, passing a talking gourd, listening to each other. It was so different from the red-pen-stained critique circles I’d been in before. This community was intent on listening, really listening to each other. Not to point out what was wrong with each other’s poems, but to hear the humanity inside them. I am so crazy grateful for Art, who has been my partner in teaching and organizing and performing and human-ing for 26 years. 

What advice would you offer new or struggling writers?

Something I once heard David Lee say: "Surround yourself by writers who are better than you are." 

I'm a word collector, are you? What are your favorite words


(So symmetrical! An s on both ends, then a vowel, then an m, with that slender cross of the t in the center, ah!! Because of my passion for this word, when I was in 8th grade my priest gave me a book of e.e. cummings poetry for confirmation, a gift that opened my eyes to what poems might do.)


(I love the softening effect it has on anything that comes after it.)


 (Both the verb and the noun—this word is like a magnet. I have to force myself not to use it all the time, but it always seems like exactly the right word to me.)


(Perhaps I love using this word too much.)

 and then a host of single syllable Anglo-Saxon-ish words with punch, such as wretch, flunk, slink, scum, wreck, spook, scram, splat, pluck, plunk, scrap, fluke, snatch . . .

In the difficult days, what keeps you going? 

Morsels of beauty & scraps of joy: The scent of the river. Falling off my chair at dinner because I am laughing so hard. Sunflowers in the garden. Erik Satie. Poems by James Crews. Sitting under the stars with friends. Walking alone in the woods. I follow these moments like a crumb trail. Devour them. Sniff for the next crumb.

Bonus Question: What has changed about your process?

My relationship to the blank. A white page used to scare me, stare me down. Now it feels like an encouragement to step into infinite potential. Every time I sit down with a blank, I wonder what might happen. Something! 

• Buy Hush, Rosemerry’s latest book here.

• Learn more about Rosemerry:
Rattle Magazine Podcast

No Caterwauling

no caterwauling by drew myron.jpg

No Caterwauling

Stiff upper lip,

the very thought

is our current

human existence.

Shock is our


— Drew Myron

cat·​er·​waul | \ ˈka-tər-ˌwȯl
1 : to make a harsh cry
2 : to protest or complain noisily

In an effort to keep my head bobbing above the crashing waves of doom, I’m writing, rewriting, and crossing out. Make something, I urge. Some days I make only only coffee, or my bed. Other days, I make dinner or a pie. On the very best days, I make a difference.

But mostly I make my hand move across a page.

And you — what are you making?

Summer Always Loves You Back


Are you shoulder-burnt, lips swollen with wine and berries, with a season of satisfaction? Summer knows your story.

Like a geography that grows, summer leaves its shadow — dusty lavender, new moons, slants of patio sun — and always loves you back.

We chase light across every field, never ready for the end.

If we should weep with change, with cool mornings and fading light, if our shoulders should drag and pale, let us remember this time of fortune and bloom, every green thing reaching for more, leaning into the next season with a slow hum of heat, with quiet nights still holy and full.  

Frettered? Go Read A Book

Are you in the inbetween?

I’m swinging between wanting to settle and sink into a book, and being unable to settle and sink into anything. Busy, tired, frittered, frettered. Is frettered a word? It is now. New rules for this season of upheaval and unrest!

Need a book suggestion? Who doesn’t — it’s like asking if I need a glass of wine. The answer is always yes. In that spirit, I offer a few good reads:


by Penelope Scambly Schott

This award-winning poet is prolific, and this book — her 22nd? — captures the charm of a small north-central Oregon town she’s made the home of her heart. These poems-of-place are both specific and wonderfully universal. Do you have a Mayberry you hold dear? Count yourself lucky, and drive on in. I love the sense of place rendered in these pages, but even more I appreciate the way this small town allows larger reflections to grow, as seen in this poem:

Woman Remembering Her Mother

When you were small, your mother
gazed at you with inexplicable grief.

She wanted to say, For my whole life
I have hoped to be known
. But you

were a child so you couldn’t see her.
Such a long darkness between you —

I can’t explain why I weep now.

— Penelope Scambly Schott


FIST STICK KNIFE GUN: A Personal History of Violence
by Geoffrey Canada

An essential read. This first-person account of survival reveals our simplistic attitudes and actions toward crime.

“In poor communities the police simply tend to be more hostile, more aggressive, and racist than in middle-class communities. Many middle-class people in America have a hard time understanding why poor communities don’t necesarily see police as helpful in deterring crime, because in middle-class communities police tend to act differently. The friendly officer who has a citizen’s best interest at heart in one community is the hostile officer who shows nothing but disrespect in the other. When you have a mostly white police force in a community of color, the problem gets ten times worse . . .

The reality is this: we pay more to incarcerate kids across this nation than we do to educate them. Can we afford to lock up even more? America is not number one or even in the top fifteen when it comes to reading, math, and Enlgish. We’re number one in locking up children. Are our streets safer as a result? The answer is no. While we have foolishly invested our precious resources in a criminal justice approach to soliving our crime problem, we have nothing to show for it except poorer schools, poorer services for youth, and more people on the streets unemployable because they have a criminal record. Instead of educating and investing in young people to help them grow up and eventually give back to theis great country we have a crisis of voiolent youth on our streets that we pretend can be solved by a strategy that has already failed.”

On Earth Cover Online Final.jpg

by Ocean Vuong

For months I resisted this book. Everyone loved it but because I cheer for the underdog, I eschewed the hype. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong!

The writing is, well, gorgeous. Vivid and sensory, rich and haunted. The novel is both long poem and full sigh. Beautiful and unusual. Line after beautiful line, passage after page. The mood is dense and rich, the pace slow, lonely and lovely.

“In Vietnamese, the word for missing someone and remembering them is the same: nhớ. Sometimes, when you ask me over the phone, Con nhớ mẹ không? I flinch, thinking you meant, Do you remember me? I miss you more than I remember you.”


Why It Divides and Why It Provides Hope

by Gerald F. Seib, The Wall Street Journal

Trying to make sense of systemic racism?

Take a look at home ownership.

“After World War II, the federal government pumped millions of dollars into programs to build houses to develop the soon-sprawling suburbs — but under policies that denied those benefits to Black Americans. Houses were sold at a very, very cheap rate that allowed for generational wealth to be developed in the white population, and did not in the Black population.”

Read the crystalizing history in this brief piece.

YOUR TURN: How are you doing? And what are you reading?

Objects for Interior Life

Letter in late summer

Dear — 

I am thinking of you, on these cool mornings
as I walk, and on the sweltering days as I weed.
I am thinking of you as I write, wondering

what you are making of your days, of this time, 
of the heart, how it stretches and too often feels
about to snap but then the smallest thing

— a sunflower's reach, a child calling, or just light
moving across an old wood floor — brings you back
from an edge you nearly crossed, and for a moment
all is well, and for another and another until

it is late and dark and you have tucked
into comfort and you are “breathing just
a little and calling it a life

From this quiet space,
I am planning for happiness
and thinking of you.

With love, 

Thankful Thursday: Leggy Resilience


It’s Thankful Thursday, a pause to express appreciation for people, places, things and more. Why give thanks? Because joy contracts and expands in proportion to our gratitude, and in these difficult days we must rise up, give thanks, and keep on.

Like a confession, I’ll admit my gratitude has been small, tired, and primarily comprised of whispered pleas of get me through this, please, please, please.

Still, I’m reaching for the small joys.

On this Thankful Thursday, I am grateful for:

the smell of bleach

sun-dried sheets


my patio


long soft evenings

my husband’s worn hands

the satisfaction of ironing

mail carriers



strangers who trust me with their stories



strong legs, strong arms

my dad’s smile


a crisp cucumber

bike rides

audio poems



grocery store workers

my sister laughing

hope rooted in knowledge

tortilla chips, peanut butter, apples


czech national symphony orchestra

health insurance


the neighbor who shares her garden harvest

the other neighbor who comes to my door crying

friends who send letters

nursing home housekeepers & nurse assistants

my lungs

the heavy-headed sun-soaked leggy resilience of sunflowers.

What are you thankful for today?