In the spirit of thanks giving, we've feasted on words all week.
Thank you, readers and friends, for sharing your thankful-themed poems, prayers, paragraphs & praise.
Today, we wrap up the Feast of Words with poems from Gisele Vincent-Page and Jill Hardin.
It's the season of gratitude. Let us savor and share.
Time, how lovely of you
to sit here with me.
The lake's edge of any entity
Water Rock Sand
All over the land.
Time amiss in bliss
Time for that, time for this
Time, time, time
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Time, how lovely of you to sit.
— Gisele Vincent-Page
Gratitude Is
Gratitude is ... Gladitude!
Its Longitude and Latitude
expand greatly our Attitude …
Thus … adjusting to Wondrous
the ever changeable Altitude
at which
we find ourselves
— Jill Hardin