Thankful Thursday: Guilty Pleasures

It's Thankful Thursday. Joy expands and contracts in direct relation to our gratitude. What are you thankful for today? A person, a place, a thing? A story, a song, a poem? What makes your world expand?

I've entered the season of gluttony, which is quickly followed by guilt. In an effort to shake the shame and simply enjoy the excess, this week I'm giving thanks for small, indulgent pleasures:

Mountain Crunch
Crunchy caramel corn and almonds drenched in white chocolate — from Roberta's Chocolates, Candies & Nuts, based in Denver, Colorado. Years ago, I lived down the street from Roberta's small, unmarked shop. I made frequent stops, and rarely shared my sweets. Now I live 1000 miles away, and I'm thankful for online shopping and parents who bring a bag when they visit.

Modern Family
I don't watch much television. And when I do, I mostly annoy others with my commentary — What's with the overacting? Who writes this crap? — before leaving the room to read a book. Still, I have my sporadic guilty pleasure viewing, shows watched alone and in marathon stretches. For a while I was hooked on Say Yes to the Dress. Now it's Modern Family. My taste in mindless distraction is improving.

I read earnest literary journals, dark novels and complicated poems. Quick, someone pass the People magazine! While it's vital to feed the mind, sometimes that heavy head needs a break. I don't care if the glossies are full of Photoshopped images and anorexic child models. I don't care if they contribute to my body image issues. Well, really, I do, and for years I avoided fashion magazines for just this reason -- but I've learned to compartmentalize. Mind over body. My mind needs a break and my body's surrendered.

 This Thankful Thursday has turned into Confession Thursday. Must pleasure and shame be entwined?

 Enough about me! What (guilty pleasures) are you thankful for today?