Inspiration, Invigoration & A Book Giveaway

Are you feeling lucky? The Great Books lists continue, and as an added bonus we've got a book giveaway. (Keep reading. Reward at end!)

To give my sluggy self a much-needed nudge, I'm always game for a self-help book. It's even better if I get a shove in the writing rear. In this spirit, I offer a longish list of my favorite stop-whining-and-get-writing books.

For Writers
Books that inspire, encourage, educate & motivate:

Every Writer Has A Thousand Faces - by David Biespiel

Writing Down the Bones - by Natalie Goldberg

On Writing - by Stephen King

Bird by Bird - by Anne Lamott

Journal of a Solitude - by May Sarton

The Forest for the Trees - by Betsy Lerner

The Practice of Poetry - by Robin Behn & Chase Twichell

Poemcrazy - by Susan G. Wooldridge

Poetry Everywhere - by Jack Collom & Sheryl Noethe

Now that we're pepped up and ready to write, let's press on! I'm giving away two great books. Win one of these and you'll be armed with information, motivation and verve:

How to Make A Living As A Poet
- by Gary Glazner






101 Ways to Make Poems Sell: A Guide to Getting and Staying Published
- by Chris Hamilton-Emery





Winning is simple. Just leave your name in the comment section below. If you like, tell me the book that gets you inspired to write. On Monday, January 16, 2012, I'll choose two names in a random drawing. You could be a winner. It's that easy!

Feeling shy? Zip me a private email — — that says I want to win.