The world is big, time is short, your life is full — all of which swells me with gratitude for your attention. Thank you for reading my blog.
I’ll try not to waste your time, but instead stir your head, pry your heart. Together we’ll stretch our writing minds and build creative muscle.
Where you'll find me
In this big world, I'm so happy you found me. How'd you wind up here? Do you use a blog organizer, such as Feedly or Bloglovin'? Or do you bookmark this site and dip in on occasion?
The easiest way to read this blog is to subscribe by email. Simply type your email address into that little box at the right, and each time I write a blog entry, the post will be delivered directly to your email (and I cross-my-heart promise not to spam, nag, brag, or share your email).
Talk to me, baby
My heart does a jig with your feedback, so please join in the blog conversation — agree, argue, question & prod! Here's how:
For email subscribers:
1. When you receive the Off the Page email, scroll to the bottom of the message to see this line:
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2. Click on the "Off the Page" link (shown above, in blue). This will take you to the live website (rather than the email version).
3. At the website, scroll to the end of the blog post and click on "Comments." Type your comments in the box marked "Post." This is where you'll type your comment so that others may see your feedback. This is where you may view comments from others.
For web readers:
1. Scroll to the end of the blog post and click on "Post a Comment" or "Comments." This is where you type your response so that others may see your feedback. This is where you may view comments from others.
Whadya wanna read?
So, tell me, what turns your crank, floats your boat, gets you revved to write? I'm eager to please (though not desperate, no really) and I want to know what you'd like on the menu. More meat, less dessert? Dim light, more wine?
What makes you tune in, or — gasp! — turn away?
But first, and again, thanks for meeting me here. The world has much to offer, and the pull and tugs are many. I appreciate you, and always enjoy our time together.
Write on,