Thankful Thursday: Because, Despite, Still

Resolutions for the Day, an erasure poem by Drew Myron.

Resolutions for the Day, an erasure poem by Drew Myron.

It’s Thankful Thursday, a weekly pause to express appreciation for people, places, things and more. Why give thanks? Because joy contracts and expands in proportion to our gratitude, and these difficult days call for peace and joy.

On this Thankful Thursday, I am grateful for postal workers, books, magazines, movies, scientists, food banks, sunshine, that one magnolia tree in full and glorious bloom, wine, sunshine, strong legs, strong arms, naps, email, bike rides, my husband’s shoulders, empathy, grocery store workers, sleep, tortilla chips, apples, a good cry, gin, sunshine, walking, quiet, my journal, the dog that stopped barking, the neighbor who waves, youtube, text messages from faraway friends, family, volunteers, work, genuine smiles, fried chicken, health insurance, good cheer, poems, poets, social media, journalists, online newspapers that don’t charge, news worth paying for, doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, kitchen crews, people who clean, hairdressers who help you believe you’re a natural blonde, artists, musicians, writers, vision, hope, my lungs, my lungs, my lungs.

What are you thankful for today?