Who Are You?

Six Word Memoir by Drew Myron

Can you tell your life story in six words? 

Six Word Memoirs are the potato chips of poetry. You don't think you're hungry so you eat just one, but the salt is so delicious you just can't stop. Go on, make a mess, eat the whole bag. 

No really, give it a go. Once you write one, you’ll find yourself thinking of everything in six-word summations.

Six Word Memoirs were introduced in 2006 by Larry Smith, a writer and editor who went on to create a massive series of bestselling Six-Word Memoirs

I love this form! Years ago, the first six words I wrote turned out to be the theme of this blog (and my life):

Push words, pull light, carry balm.

Recently, my writing group — a hardworking and hardwriting collection of writers from all over the map (literally and literarily) who ‘meet’ weekly by email — played with six word arrangements. The gems they created are simple, striking, surprising . . . and fun to write & read.

Here, with permission, are a few:

Loving, being loved.

— Vicki Hellmer 

tried to become

someone I'd miss

— Shawnte Orion


hide, seek,
lost, found,
repeat, repeat

 moon song,
swoon song,
swan song

 ruby slippers for sale,

Audrey Mlakar

Four Attempts by Sarah Cook

Sarah Cook enlarged the idea to create four linked nuggets, combined with her photos. See the series on Instagram @ freelance.feminist

Your Turn: Write a Six Word Memoir (or two, or ten . . . ). And if you’re feeling communal, share with me.

Write on!

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The world turns on words, please read & write.