A baker's dozen.
Friday the 13th.
Glasses, pimples, puberty.
Nancy Drew Mystery Series 13: The Mystery of the Ivory Charm.
Thirteen is Bonne Bell Lip Smackers, Brooke Shields, and a swipe of blush.
Thirteen is shag carpet in a wood-paneled basement, casting nervous glances while playing spin-the-bottle.
Don't you sometimes — in your deepest hidden self — still feel the queasy roil of thirteen?
Established in 2008, this blog is now 13. Happy birthday! Oh, the agony and joy of turning a teen.
“And so, let’s go,” I wrote in my first post so many years ago, “not with the thunder of the self-absorbed, but in the same way a single word, spoken softly, carries great weight.”
Still holds true. The more things change, the more they don’t.
Thanks for aging with me.
I'm happy you're here.