You Showed Up

Happy Birthday! — with help from

On the anniversary of saying too much, too often, I pause to remember when “blog” was a ridiculous made-up word. And sharing your personal thoughts on the internet was just weird and self-involved. 

Oh, how far we’ve come (and stumbled, tumbled, tossed, and turned).

Established in 2008, this blog is now 16 years old — time for a party, a curfew, a driver’s license!

On this long road, we’ve made good time. We’ve traveled from flip phone to smartphone, from cable cord to streaming ease. We’ve clunked through myspace and facebook, then snapchat, instagram, tik tok, substack and more. We keep reaching for the next shiny tease.

We’ve raced from Twilight to Towles, from Banksy to Holzer, from skinny jeans to wide leg flares, from Taylor Swift to, well, Taylor Swift . . .

Those early days now seem sweet and naive (ahh nostalgia, there you are). But I see now that time moves fast in a flurry of change yet sometimes slows enough to suggest familiar shapes in fresh form.

So many years ago, I started this blog along a quiet stretch of lonely road. I was hoping you might appear, for a moment, a pause, an occasional nod.  Much to my delight (and relief), you showed up, shining light, sharing thoughts, and shaping days — thank you.

Thank you for joining me in making something from our scraps and scrapes, for showing up to mull and mix, to circle and swap, to wonder and wander with mind and heart. The world turns on words — thank you for reading, writing & responding.

But let’s not get too frilly. Let’s just cut the cake!

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