Blue Moon Monday

A 1910 photo of the Kwakwakaʼwakw, also known as the Kwakiutl, an indigenous people who used outrigger canoes as a source of travel through the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Source: Wikimedia Commons 

Full Moon Paddle on the Columbia River

This is something we’ll never forget, he says.

Over the hillside, a full moon rises to fill the night and
brilliance ribbons the river in light. The paddle catches
water as I reach through the dark. Together we lean and pull,
arms, legs, shoulders, hearts.

Like a camera, the mind sorts and records, click, click, click
and I wonder what memories will keep:  

this wash of shadow and shine, our laughter and sighs,
the train rumbling suddenly alongside our calm?

Or maybe the water — how warm and smooth, and
our voices easy so late at night

as if we are secrets slipping into dreams.
As if we are dreams slipping into life.

— Drew Myron

It’s a Monday and a Supermoon Blue Moon.

It’s a good day (and night!) to make something:

lists, letters, meals, memos, poems, pictures,

cookies, collage, stories, songs, drawings, dreams,

and delights. Please join me. Make something now!

* * *

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