Whale Song
Humpback whales sing the way humans speak
— The New York Times
Today my horoscope gives a warning:
“If there is an ambulance in your relationship . . . ”
Yes, yes, I nod. I hear the siren, feel the clutch
of worry and pitched frequency of fear as
the alarm races toward me.
But when I blink and read again, the emergency is over:
“If there is an imbalance . . . ” it says.
For many days you are sick.
Your head fogs, your throat closes,
and I do the talking, too much, because
worry grips my heart and
triggers a babble.
We know now that marriage
is a language of the mundane
passed through generations:
“How was your day?”
“What’s for dinner?”
“Do you wanna watch tv?”
We are efficient — this, that, small words that return and repeat.
We slice our energetic costs, find savings we don’t need.
Sometimes we talk softly, gently
because silence is a bridge and
we want to meet in the middle.
Sometimes we don’t talk because there is too much to say.
Tonight before the song,
in the stillness between us,
we look deeper, listen longer,
find each other in the hum.
— Drew Myron
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